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environmental policy
environmental policy

Pyramid Computer GmbH Joint action creates sustainability!

Concrete measures and responsibility

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ISO certificates

To the certificates

Laws and regulations

To the overview

Code of Conduct

To the Code of Conduct

Environmental protection is a key issue for current and future generations. That is why our company has anchored it in all areas of its activities.

The earth is facing a multitude of ecological challenges. These include climate change, air and water pollution and the loss of biodiversity. Protecting the environment is crucial to safeguarding our livelihoods.

Companies play a central role here. They have a responsibility to integrate environmentally friendly practices into their business processes, for example by using renewable energy, minimizing emissions and designing products, packaging and services sustainably.

We are convinced that economic success and environmental protection must go hand in hand. As a result, we are reducing our ecological footprint through targeted measures. We achieve this through our integrated management system (IMS), which combines quality and the environment. Both are equally important to us.

We use the IMS to plan, control and monitor all activities that have an impact on the environmental management system. Our focus here is on emissions, raw materials, energy, the environmental performance and behavior of our contractors and the environmentally conscious behavior of the company's employees.

We achieve sustainability through joint action.

Pyramid Our guiding principles and responsible persons

  • Environmental management forms an integral part of all workflows and company processes; their effectiveness is constantly monitored.
  • Preventive environmental management is a management task and the responsibility of all management personnel.
  • Protecting the environment, preventing environmental pollution and fulfilling the organization's binding obligations are the responsibility of all management personnel.
  • The continuous improvement of the environmental management system is aimed at improving the company's environmental performance and is the obligation of all management personnel.
  • The awareness of every employee must [...] be directed towards environmentally friendly behavior in all activities.
  • Every employee is responsible for the [...] positive environmental performance of their work results.


  • Dominic Rodrigues

    Head of Quality Management

    "As Head of Quality Management at Pyramid Computer GmbH , it is my job to ensure and continuously develop the highest quality and environmental standards. For my team and me, our ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification is not only an award, but also an obligation. For us, quality and environmental awareness go hand in hand. By acting with foresight, efficient processes and innovative solutions, we actively contribute to the conservation of resources and environmental protection. Through continuous improvement and committed cooperation with all departments, we develop solutions that meet the highest standards and make a positive contribution to the future."

Pyramid Sustainability in construction

Before we launch industrial PCs, industrial servers, kiosk terminals, touch PCs and touch monitors onto the market, we carry out an internal risk assessment. If necessary, we commission test laboratories.

In terms of design, we prefer

  • recyclable materials.
  • non-mixed materials to ensure purity of type during disposal.
  • self-developed packaging made of paper and cardboard.
  • Long-life components to increase the longevity and service life of the systems.

During construction, we make sure that

  • the energy consumption of the components is as low as possible and is in balance with the intended use of the solution.
  • components can be replaced in the event of repairs, thus extending the service life of the products.
  • the manufacture of the product does not produce any emissions (toxins).
  • no highly toxic emissions are produced during disposal.

Pyramid Sustainability in logistics

  • Constructive packaging made of cardboard
    The production of polyethylene and polyurethane foams consumes energy and raw materials, including crude oil. Once the material has been used, recycling is difficult and very costly. The fillers are usually thermally recycled. The resources they contain are lost in the process. Cardboard is a big step towards much more environmentally friendly shipping.
  • Fiber-reinforced wet adhesive tape made of paper
    Recently, all packaging for VarioFlex and BoxFlex appliances has been sealed with fiber-reinforced wet adhesive tape made of paper, i.e. we no longer use PVC or PP adhesive tape. Over the years, we have saved the environment several hundred kilometers of heavy or non-recyclable plastic waste.
  • Fuel Green concept
    The use of biofuel, a Sustainable Marine Fuel (SMF), is currently the only viable way to immediately reduce the Scope 3 emissions of your shipments. Our supplier's biofuel concept is based on next generation biofuels according to RED II and allocates fully traceable biofuel quotas to your cargo volumes.

Pyramid Sustainability through solar power

  • Company headquarters Freiburg (Baden-Württemberg)
    Annual electricity generation: approx. 24,000 kWh.
    Coverage share of total demand: approx. 17 %.
  • Ichtershausen production and logistics site (Thuringia)
    Annual electricity generation: approx. 110,000 kWh.
    Coverage share of total demand: approx. 40 %.
  • Production and service location Witzenhausen (Hesse)
    Annual electricity generation: approx. 18,000 kWh.
    Coverage share of total demand: 75 %.

Pyramid Sustainability through employee benefits

  • Free refueling
    Private e-cars with solar power from own production
  • Company bike leasing (job bike)
    Subsidized by Pyramid! Climate-neutral travel to work and in your free time!
  • Germany ticket
    Subsidized by Pyramid. For sustainable 24/7 mobility with local public transport.

Pyramid Sustainability through environmental group

Employees from various Pyramid discuss and decide on environmental improvement measures once a quarter. Step by step, we are making a difference. Raising environmental awareness among employees and decision-makers.

  • Green Office rules: Rules on waste separation, reducing the volume of printing, saving energy (heating and air conditioning).
  • Purchase of motion detectors to save electricity.

Goal for 2025:
Make the transportation of goods to customers or between Pyramid more environmentally friendly, Go-Green!

European directives & regulations for manufacturers

Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)

The German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG), which came into force, obliges manufacturers, importers and initial distributors to ensure that the quantities they put into circulation are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

A registration number from the competent authority (EAR) must be applied for and noted on the business documents.

We hereby confirm that Pyramid Computer GmbH has registered the goods imported by it, which fall under the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG), with the Foundation for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (ear).

The registration number (WEEE number) of Pyramid Computer GmbH is: 590845290358959859805890582945

Battery Act (BattG)

The BattG transposes the European Battery Directive 2006/66/EC into German law. It regulates the placing on the market, taking back and environmentally sound disposal of batteries and accumulators.

The registration number of Pyramid Computer GmbH is 4958209582458294058245908245ß4.

Directives 2015/863/EC and 2011/65/EC (RoHS III conformity)

Directives 2015/863/EC of March 31, 2015 and 2011/65/EC of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS III). June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS III), substance bans on lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ether and, newly, butyl benzyl phthalate, di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, dibutyl phthalate and diisobutyl phthalate come into force for new electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market.


The European chemicals regulation REACH (Regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals), which has been directly applicable in all EU member states since January 1, 2007, came into force on June 1, 2007.

The introduction of REACH is intended to ensure a high safety standard throughout Europe with regard to environmental and health risks when using chemicals. To this end, REACH creates a comprehensive chemicals management system through the registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals.

According to Article 33 of the REACH Regulation, every supplier of an article must provide information if the article contains substances of very high concern (SVHC) above 0.1% (mass percentage).

We regularly request that our partners within the supply chain act in accordance with the REACH regulation and fulfill all product-related requirements and information obligations. The requirement to pass on REACH-relevant information along the supply chain without being requested to do so has been pointed out.

Packaging Ordinance

Pyramid Computer GmbH is registered with the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister/LUCID under the registration number: DE5077582595308 and is affiliated to the Dual System Interseroh under the manufacturer number: 144962.

Write to us!

Do you have any questions or suggestions about our environmental management?

Then please contact pyramid.